Commencement Date: 30 September 2022

The South African Council for the Project and Construction Management Professions (SACPCMP) is empowered in terms of Section 34(2) of the Project and Construction Professions Act (Act No 48 of 2000).  The SACPCMP has developed an Accreditation Policy which will be open for public comment for a period of at least 30 days.  The SACPCMP’s objective for accreditation is the assessment of an institution against a predetermined set of requirements to ensure competency and desired professional conduct among graduates. Accreditation is therefore vital for the continued sustainability of the SACPCMP and its underlying professions.

To view the SACPCMP Accreditation Policy, seethe policy herewith; comments regarding the policy can be submitted utilising the policy call-for-comment form which can be downloaded from this site.  Comments should be emailed to: [email protected].

Deadline for the submission of comments: 10 November 2022