The Nelson Mandela University (NMU) Department of Construction Management 50th Anniversary conference provides an international forum for researchers and practitioners from developed, and developing nations to address fundamental construction management, construction project management, and construction health and safety (H&S) management issues, 15-16 NOVEMBER 2021
Authors are invited
Authors are invited to submit abstracts in English of not more than 200 words for peer review by the scientific committee by
the 4 June 2021. The abstract should address the following fields: introduction of the topic; objectives; research method and sample stratum(a); findings; conclusions, and recommendations. Authors should not be
identifiable to ensure double-blind peer review. Abstracts will be reviewed according to: the relevance to the topics and objectives of the conference; originality of subject matter; likely academic rigour of the
proposed paper; and likely contribution to the related body of knowledge. Note that only papers that are based on actual research that includes empirical findings will be accepted upon proof of registration.