The Council is constituted in terms of Section 3 of the Project and Construction Management Professions Act, Act No. 48 of 2000. The Council is led by a President, who is assisted by a Vice-President, both of whom are elected to office. The term of the office of all councillors is four years, but members continue in office until the succeeding Council is duly constituted. The Council carries out its oversight responsibilities through various committees that are constituted to oversee the business of the Council as per their perspective approved terms of reference.
The committees form an integral part of the Council’s corporate governance framework and play a pivotal role in achieving and maintaining expected standards in terms of governance and ethical standards. The committees ensure that the Council’s activities are subjected, at all times, to in-depth scrutiny to ensure that high standards of governance are maintained. The Act makes provision for co-opting Registered Persons to serve on the various committees. These persons need not necessarily be members of Council. The individuals’ expertise and aptness for the task at hand are taken into account when making committee appointments.
- Informing themselves, on an annual basis, about the Council’s business and any issue that may affect its purpose or performance;
- Appointment of staff;
- General oversight of all aspects of the SACPCMP;
- Determining the SACPCMP’s purpose, policies and values, and monitoring compliance with these;
- Determining, appraising and approving the SACPCMP Corporate Strategy and monitoring its implementation;
- Appraising and approving major management initiatives, resource allocations, capital investments and disinvestments;
- Ensuring that risk management systems and procedures are in place to protect the SACPCMP’s assets and reputation;
- Approving the staff compensation strategy;
- Awareness and understanding of, and compliance with, the underlying principles of good governance;
- Ensuring ethical behaviour and compliance with relevant laws and regulations, audit and accounting principles, and the SACPCMP’s own governing documents and codes of conduct;
- Reporting annually to the Minister and Parliament on all aspects of the SACPCMP’s performance; and
- Reporting to the CBE as required by the Act.
Council members are required to:
- Apply themselves individually, to the best of their ability, to the affairs of the SACPCMP at all times, and act diligently and in good faith;
- Declare any interest in respect of any dealings they may have with the SACPCMP, or any entity or person where such interest may conflict with the member’s responsibility as a member of the Council of SACPCMP;
- Attend meetings of the Council and any of its committees to which they have been appointed, and notify either the chairperson or secretariat in the event of being unable to attend any meeting;
- Keep secret and confidential any matters to which they are privy by virtue of their membership of the Council of SACPCMP and, in particular, desist from making any commercial or other use of information derived by virtue of Council membership;
- Refrain from being involved in operational matters, where possible; and
- Accept personal and fiduciary accountability for the acts and omissions of the Council.
The SACPCMP carries out the prescripts of its Charter, which requires it to evaluate its performance as well as that of its committees on an annual basis. Over and above this, the Council, on an annual basis, carries out an introspection for the purposes of ensuring that it complies with the Charter.
The South African Council for the Project and Construction Management Professions (SACPCMP) Sixth-Term Council was appointed at the end of 2022. The following persons were appointed as the incoming (6th-term) Council members: